Should you hire an injury lawyer after an accident?

Should you hire an injury lawyer after an accident?

If you or someone you know has been involved in an accident, you may be wondering whether it is necessary to hire a lawyer. If you have sustained injuries, the answer is likely, “yes.” An experienced personal injury attorney will know how to analyze your case, protect your rights, negotiate with the insurance companies and, if necessary, take your case to trial.

It is in the insurance company’s best interest to settle your injury and damage claims as quickly as possible, at the lowest possible rate. The longer your case is open, the more it costs them. Don’t be lured by their promises of “fast money” — it might not be enough to adequately compensate you for your injuries and damages. Additionally, be wary of the statements you make to insurance companies anxious to get you to agree quickly on a settlement. Claims adjusters are trained on the nuances of governing laws. They will not only try to get you to agree on a settlement, they will take copious notes on everything you say in search of statements that may compromise your position if you ultimately decide to sue.

On the contrary, it is in your best interest to take time to investigate all the facts of your accident and understand the complex language involved in your policy and in the law. A lawyer will help ensure your claim is resolved in a manner that is fair to you. He or she is trained and experienced in dissecting insurance policies and contracts, and in asking the right questions of the insurance companies, doctors, witnesses and involved parties. Your lawyer works for you to get you an equitable settlement.

If you have been injured in an accident, you deserve compensation that will help restore you to full health, cover any long-term medical costs, and repair any property damage. Call your lawyer immediately to ensure your rights are not compromised.

Attorney Dan Davis has more than 20 years of legal experience and can help you protect your rights after an accident. If you have questions about an accident-related legal case, call him at 1-866-427-2121. There is no obligation in making your first call, and there is no fee unless you win your case.