Product Liability Claims lawyer

Product manufacturers, distributors and sellers are responsible for placing safe products in the hands of consumers. Sometimes, a product defect causes injury. When that happens, all parties involved in the manufacturing, distribution and sale of that product can be held liable for sustained injury.

There are many different ways a product can cause harm to a consumer. Whether a product is unsafe due to a defect in design, a flaw in the way it is produced, inaccurate marketing, or incorrect instructions or labeling, all parties involved in the chain of distribution can be held liable if the products they offer cause harm.

Product liability laws are complex and vary by state. If you have been injured by a product and you suspect you may have a claim, contact the lawyers at Davis & Gelshenen. With lawyers licensed to practice in Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio and North Carolina, we have a wide network of resources to pursue your case. Our initial consultation is free; in fact, you do not pay a thing until we win your case. Call us today at 866-427-2121.

Please contact us by phone at 866.427.2121, or complete this form and one of our associates will be in touch soon.